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About Me

A novice author that writes with no ink or quill but with plastic on glass. A junior Stop Motion Prop Maker/Animator, but budding Scriptwriter. Having tried other career propositions in life, a pen in my hand was a calling that I wanted but never thought an actually career.  As I stared at the open doors of opportunities in front of me five years ago, family and elders tried to sway me down different paths. "This career would give you lifelong employment, but the road would drown you in debt and tests."

"This career would give an enormous about of wealth later in life, but your early road will be hard and crippling."

Thats all they would ever say to a confused teenager with middling skills. But were they really wise? 

The pen called me yet again, this time in my early twenties. Less so like a soft tinkle of a bell and more like a frying pan to face. Fast forward through a turbulent and winch worthy 2020, and you get to the present day. 

There are only two things in life that frighten me most. Money and starfish. After three weeks of lockdown back in 2020, I added job employment to this list. 


Any young person will tell you of their hardships. Mine was employment of any kind. I had an easier time getting a low paid job across the pond than in my own country. This struggle of employment combined with a worldwide plague, just made most opportunities even more scarce. Press the skip button again to early 2021. The big wide world looms over my head and the pen calls me again. Not like soft bell but like someone poking your arm continuously. 


I found that words, written by key, pen or stylus can bring opportunities or sorts. You say sail, I'll say give me the horizon. You desire a star, I'll give you a constellation. 


Writing was not always the first choice of career for me. It chose me and now we have to push forward through a plague of doubt in this time of chaos and pen a few happy notes. Notes that could become a stack of great verses.


So reader, if you're looking for your next scriptwriter to write your story look no further. 




About Me: About Me
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